Why We Love Chiropractors – A Personal Story

The day my son was blove-chiropractors-image-92kborn was the happiest and most amazing yet exhausting day of my life. Though my son’s birth was completely natural and went very smoothly, I felt like I had been hit by a Mack Truck. Having gone to chiropractors throughout my pregnancy, I knew that I needed an adjustment as soon as possible. I managed to get in to see my regular chiropractor the next day and walked out of there feeling like a new woman. Friends and family could not believe that I had just given birth. Though sore and tired, I was a long way back towards normal, and was able to cheerfully go about life as a new mom.

A few days later, I felt something was wrong. My newborn son cried all the time. He didn’t sleep. He couldn’t eat. My impression was not just that he was a cranky baby, but that he was in pain. Our pediatrician wanted to bring him in for potentially invasive testing, however I first wanted to see if a chiropractor could bring him some relief. I had never heard of chiropractic for infants at that point, but called my Doc to ask and was told to bring him right in.

Our chiropractor worked his magic. My son fell asleep during his adjustment, and slept for four hours afterward – the longest stretch of sleep he’d ever had. From that point on, he cried less and both nursing and sleep improved tremendously.img_0229edit

Before long, we found chiropractic to be life-saving again. At about 5 months old, my son began vomiting multiple times every day. Of course I was very concerned, and our pediatricians wanted to conduct invasive tests that would have required sedation and inserting a camera through his mouth and the potential for surgery to stop reflux. I wanted to bring him to the chiropractor first. One adjustment, and his vomiting completely stopped for days (and his mood markedly improved!) So we began a journey of regular chiropractic visits and a search for natural and alternative methods to help my son’s body. The cycle would continue, with adjustments, supplements, dietary changes and so on. It took a few years to fully resolve, and we met wonderful, helpful Chiropractors, Kinesiologists, nutritionists, and naturopaths along the way. Though finally, with time and persistence, my son was healed, stable and happy.

I will always be grateful to the wonderful doctors of chiropractic who dedicated their lives and careers to helping people back to their natural physical stability and wellness.

Every one of us at Orion Billing has personal experience with being helped by Chiropractors. With our knowledge and experience, there are many types of medical practices we could choose to work with, though we are in a position to dedicate our work to a field we believe in, and that is why we do what we do.

Kat Jordan is the Owner and President of Orion Billing Services, a professional external billing company specializing in Chiropractic, Physical Therapy and integrated practices. With over twelve years of experience in healthcare billing, Orion is well prepared to help with thorough, knowledgeable claims submission, follow-up and collection. Call (415) 851-1605 for more information. Subscribe to our mailing list here.



Follow-up is possibly the most important aspect of medical billing. If billing were a simple A to B – submission to payment – anyone could do it. Thus the need for a good professional biller with some skill and experience to handle your rejected or denied claims. However, when talking to doctors or their staff I continually see that their current biller or billing company is slacking on the follow-up.

What goes wrong?

There are many reasons why a claim may not be paid. Handling claims can be complex and tedious. Insurance companies can be hard to deal with. Anything can happen from data entry errors to insurers quietly getting away with illegally denying ERISA claims. If the biller isn’t keeping track, they may never even know there was a problem.

Sometimes claims contain simple errors that can be tracked down and corrected. If an office manager or practitioner doing their own billing comes across those, they might have time to take care of them. But what happens to all the claims with more complex issues? Do they sit in the A/R forever? Get written off eventually? That’s potentially a whole lot of income lost that a dedicated biller with some experience would know how to tackle.

What can be done about it?

Knowing when and how to follow-up on an unpaid claim is vital to collecting the money that you have worked hard for.

We are tenacious about follow-up, and that has a lot to do with our success. We get answers, get problems corrected and addressed, and get it done timely. We know how to talk to insurance companies to unravel the mysteries – we do it every day.

When we take on a new client, it never fails that there is a period of cleaning up billing messes that have been left behind. There is the process of the hunt, and solving the puzzle of what went wrong. This is something that we excel in, and actually enjoy! Each claim can be traced back to the underlying reason it was denied or remained unpaid. Making the corrections, and communicating about them with the office staff results in the prevention of a great number of potential future denials. We work to get your claims submitted correctly the first time, thus reducing the long waits between patient treatment and payment.

By reducing your denial rate, we bring more money to the bottom line of your practice. The payoff of our tenacity is the difference between a practice that’s just getting by and one that’s truly profitable.

Kat Jordan is the Owner and President of Orion Billing Services. With over twelve years of experience in healthcare billing, Orion is well prepared to help with thorough, knowledgeable claims submission, follow-up and collection. Call (727) 492-4801 for more information. Subscribe to our mailing list here.